Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Så er det lille julaften og jeg vil bare ønske dere alle en riktig god jul! Håper alle får det de ønsker seg, og bare fryd og gammen. Selv skal jeg krølle meg i sofaen i morra med 3 nøtter til Askepott!
Her er et bilde av en konfekteske jeg har dekorert.
It's the day before christmas, and i just wanna wish y'all a happy holiday! I hope that santa treats you nice, and bring y'all the things on your list. I'm gonna snug up on the couch tomorrow and watch the traditional christmas morning tv shows.
Here's a picture of a decorated box of chocolate.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Så er tiden kommet for å vise frem de første DAT oppgavene. Begge disse er laget med Milestones CSJr digi kitet. Fontene som passer til dette kitet, heter Ever After og Ibleum. Hvis du googler disse finner du dem på nettet.

På lo'en ville jeg ha skygge på bare ordene MOMENTS og IMPORTANT, og det fikk jeg til ved å kopiere disse ordene til et nytt lag, plassere de rett over de eksisterende ordene og sette på skygge. Når man skriver hele setninga på en gang istedetfor ord for ord, og så gjør dette etterpå, slipper du å tenke på å få passe mellomrom mellom ordene.
It's time to show off my first DAT submissions. Both of these are made of the Milestones CS jr Digi kit. The fonts that coordinates with this kit are called Ever After and Ibleum. If you google these fonts, you'll find places to download them from.

On the layout i only wanted the words MEMORIES and IMPORTANT to have a drop shadow, and to schieve that i copied those words to a new layer, positioned them over the excisting words and added the shadow. When you do it this way, and write the entire sentence at once, and then copy parts of it, you don't have to worry about the spacing between the words, or that they align.

Then i made a digi card. This is the first digital card i've made, and it was a bit of a challenge! I am so used to making cards from paper, with the limitations and possibillities that has, that it wasn't so easy trying to transfer that to the process of making them digitally. I used the stamps that comes with the kit to stamp a background. I then added a drop shadow to the main image and layers to create more texture and depth to the card

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Å jeg er så GLAD!

Jeg har akkurat fått vite at jeg er blitt valgt ut til å være med i Club Scrap sitt Digital Artist Team! Jeg sendte inn noen LO'er for morro skyld, og ble valgt ut!
Jeg har vært medlem av Club Stamp i mange år, men har akkurat byttet fra den, til Club Scrap digital, fordi jeg hadde lyst til å utfordre meg selv til å digiscrappe mer.
Det som er fint med Club Scrap Digital, er at bakgrunnspapirene er de samme som i de papirbaserte kitene, og de egner seg også veldig bra for hybrid prsojekter, da de blir veldig flotte hvis man skriver dem ut.
Så nå er det bare å vente på at oppgavene skal komme, så jeg kan gå igang med dem!
Gleder meg!
Her er to av Lo'ene jeg sendte inn, og de er lagd med et Club Scrap Demo kit
I am so HAPPY!!!!!
I've just found out that i've been selected to be a member of Club Scrap Digital Artist Team!!!
I just sendt them some of my Layouts, just for fun, and got chosen!
I've been a memebre of Club Stamp for many years, but i've just recently switched from that to Club Scrap Digital, because i wanted to challenge myself to do more digiscrapping.
What i like about Club Scrap Digital, is that the papers are the same as in the paper based kits, and they are wonderfull for hybrid projects,because they print wonderfully.
So, now all i have to do is sit back and wait for the assignments to start, so i can go ahead.
I am so stoked!
Here are to of the Lo's i submitted and they are made with a Club Scrap Demo kit

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Krydderkake! / Spice cake!

I går kveld begynte det virkelig å lukte jul her hjemme. Jeg bakte nemlig verdens beste krydderkake! For meg er den kaka JUL. Det er litt arbeid med den, men den er virkelig fantastisk, og holdbar. Den kan stå i mange uker i kjøleskapet uten å bli tørr. Så bare for å friste deg, kommer bilder av vidunderet og oppskrifta, siden jeg føler meg snill i dag....;)

2 egg
200 g sukker
250 g smør
500g hvetemel
2 ts kanel
2 ts malt nellik
2 ts kardemomme
1 ts malt ingefær
1 ts natron
2,5 dl kulturmelk
3 ss appelsinmarmelade
100 g hakkede mandler
250 g rosiner
Pisk egg og sukker til eggedosis. Smelt smør og avkjøl. Bland smør,kulturmelk og appelsin marmelade, ha oppi røra og bland. Bland mel,krydder og natron og ha det i røra i omganger, rør godt mellom hver gang. Dette blir veldig mye deig og det blir tungt, så ikke alle håndmiksere klarer hele deigen, da bruker jeg bare slikkepotten. Bland så i rosinene og mandlene. Ha i smurt form. Vanligvis bruker jeg å dele den på to brødformer, men glemte det denne gang, så du ser av bildene hvor stor kaka ble.
Stekes i ca 1 time i forvarmet ovn, nederste rille på 180 - 200 grader. Legg papir over kaka etter ca ett kvarter, ellers blir den for godt stekt. Kjenn etter med fyrstikk/kakenål om kaka er ferdig. (Den jeg legger ut bilde av måtte stå i 1 time og 20 minutter...)
Avkjøl på rist og pakk inn i aluminiumsfolie og plastpose og sett i kjøleskap eller frys.
Last night it started to smell like christmas in my house. I made the worlds best spice cake! This cake just screams christmas to me, and it's a bit of work to make it, but it is so worth it! It will last in the fridge for weeks without being dry or crumbly. So just to tempt you, here are pics of the monster i made yesterday, and i'll even throw in the recipe for you, just because i'm feeling nice today......;)
Spice cake
2 eggs
7 ounces of sugar
8.8 ounces of butter
1 pound of plain flour
2 Teaspoons of cinnamon
2 Teaspoons of ground clover
2 Teaspoons of cardamom
1 Teaspoon of ground ginger
1 Teaspoon of baking soda
1 cup of buttermilk
3 Tablespoons of orange marmalade
3.5 ounces of chopped almonds
8.8 ounces of raisins
Mix eggs and sugar til it's all white and thick. Melt butter and let it cool a little. Add the buttermilk and orange marmalade to the buttermilk, and add everything into the egg and sugar mixture. Mix it all together. Add the baking soda and spices into the flour and add a little at a time into the batter, mix well everytime. This will make alot of batter, and it's heavy, so if you have a handheld mixer it might not be capable of mixing the whole thing. I just use a spatula at teh end. When all the flour and spice mix is added, add the almonds and raisins, combine well. Pour into buttered bread tins. I usually divided it into 2 bread tins, but i forgot to do this yesterday, and you can see from the pics how large the cake turned out.

Pre heat the oven to 350- 400 fahrenheit, and put the cake in the bottom of the oven, for about an hour, chech with a cake needle if the cake is ready. The one in the picture took 1 hour and 20 minutes to cook. Put parchment paper over the cake after about 15 minutes, to prevent it from getting too brown on top. When it's done let it cool on a rack, the wrap it in aluminum foil and plastic bag and put it in the fridge or freezer.

Se på det monsteret! Check that monster out!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sjokolade / Chocolate

Jeg fikk så lyst å prøve å dekorere noen små sjokolader, og her ser du resultatet. Sjokoladen er de gule fra Nille, og det som er fint med dem, er at de i tillegg til å ha et papir rundt, også har sølv folie innerst. Brukte bakgrunnspapir fra 3endy, glansbilder,blonder og papp i sølv. Pakket to og to sjokolader i cellofan, knyttet en hvit sløyfe på og satt på en hvit tag,kantet med sølv. Vips, en liten førjulsgave!
I wanted to try and decorate some small candybars, and here's the result. I found this candy that had a silver foil wrapping. I used patterned paper, some stickers,lace and silver mirror cs. I put 2 bars in a cellofan bag, tied on a white ribbon, added a white tag with a silver border.Viola, a small pre-christmas gift!

(Håret mitt er reflektert i sølvkartongen på sjokoladen...lol / My hair is reflected in the silver cs...lol)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Julekort / Christmas cards

Da har jeg fått laget noen julekort.
Har forelsket meg helt i disse litt gammeldagse bildene. Syns de passer så godt til julekort og gaveesker. Har funnet disse bildene på nettet og skrevet dem ut på skriveren min.
I've made some christmas cards.
I've fallen completely in love with vintage pictures, that you'll find all over the internet. I just think they are so suitable for christmas cards and giftboxes. I have printed these out at home.

Monday, November 24, 2008


The Losties har gjort det igjen! Vi har hatt en ny runde me hemmelig venn, og min hemmelige søster denne gangen var Barb! Hun skjemte meg skikkelig bort med en pakke som var TUNG! Den inneholdt så mye at jeg ble nesten helt svimmel!

Pakken inneholdt:

Sløyfer og silkebånd i mengder!
Juletrepynt formet som staten Texas MED cowboyhatt og lasso!
En søt liten pute det står KLEM på
En nøkkelring med en stor J på og bling!
En Basic Grey Notch and Die punch!!
Metall pynt i eske fra SU
Masse Vellum og mønsterark
En Halloween bord
Masse forskjellig garn
En drøss av pynteblomster, BLING, og masse annet pynt.
Noe av pynten avr i en liten verktøyeske, og der var det også en sammenleggbar saks
Kaffe med peppermynte smak! (Viste ikke at det fantes, men den var nyyyydelig!)
Crystal lights!! (sukkerfri saft, som finnes i masse forskjellige gode smaker)
En embossing folder fra Cuttlebug
3 stempler og 3 stempel sett!
En søt liten krans
Et nydelig kort
Kalender med flotte motiv fra Texas, selvfølgelig!

Alt sammen var også så nydelig pakket inn. Hun hadde også brukt silkepapir med sølvsnøkystaller på. Jeg visste ikke at det fantes slikt silkepapir engang!

Tuusen tusen takk Barb! Dette var en fantastisk pakke som jeg gleder meg til å dykke ned i!
Jeg legger ved bilder av innholdet, men siden vi åpnet pakkene klokka 3 natt til i dag, var jeg så trøtt at jeg ikke tenkte på å ta bilde av alt samlet, men tok istedet av en og en ting...hihi

Jeg har derfor laget et lite slideshow nederst i innlegget.
The LOSTIES did it again! We've had a new LSS round, and my secret sis this time was BARB! She spoiled me rotten with this HEAVY box!!! There was so much inside the box, that i got all dizzy!

This is what was inside:

A big box filled with ribbon
An Ornament shaped like Texas
A cute little pillow that says Hugs
A key chain with the letter J and BLING on it
Basic Grey Notch and Die punch!!
Hardware set from SU!
Lots of vellum and patterned paper
A Halloween border
Lots of embellishments,Like BLING, some in a cool little toolbox, that even has a pair of folded scissors. lol
Peppermint flavoured coffee! Never seen that before. And it is so yummy!
Crystal lights, yes!!!!!
Some sugerfree breathmints, in the cutest tin
A cuttlebug embossingfolder
Some cord to use on cards
3 single stamps and 3 stamp sets!
Calendar with Texas pics
A cute little wreath
A beautifull card

The reveal was at 3 am for me, so i had set my alarm to 2.45. I was so tired, so i didn't think of taking a picture of everything togther, so i took one of everything instead....lol

And it was all so lovely wrapped too! And even with some of the most gorgeous tissuepaper. I didn't know there was tissue paper like that!

Once again, Thank you soooo much Barb!!! I can't wait to dive into the goodies!

Here's a slideshow with the pics:


Hi Stace!As you've probably guessed by now, i am your LSS. I'm guessing that you've read about the PO problems, and Kris and i came up with me taking pics of the what you're getting. I had to change the box anyway, since it had been opened in customs, and it had alot of stickers and tape on it.I'm hoping that you'll have it soon, and i'm so sorry that this happened.
So, here's your box:

First, the card:

Now, the first thing is a clearstamps alphabet:

Next some embellishments. I've put some in small ziplock bags, to get rid of some deadweight:
The ziplcok is a mini one, with adhesive on the side. They are cool......lol
Some more embellishments:
Next is a silly thing actually. It's a totebag with drawings of creatures from Norwegian Folk stories....lol:

Then, some CANDY! Yeah baby! There's chocolate, some hard candy and some caramel choc:

Now some stickers:

Some more stickers:

A little christmassy giftbox that i made:

Some mini matchbooks for you to decorate:

Then some more embellishments:

A decorated tin filled with yes, you guessed it; BOOBY CANDY!

The last picture. These are some cutout sheets i bought. They have a bit of traditional norwegian christmas feeling to them. I had to take them out of the bag, because it wouldn't fit in the box otherwise.

I hope that you like what i picked out for you. I sure had LOTS of fun putting this together. NOT so fun when the box came back though....lol

Lostie love!

Kiss kiss

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today has bee the big pie-baking- day! An applepie to be precise. I've never made a pie where you're supposed to roll out the crust befor, so i was a bit nervous. But it turned out there was no reason to be afraid, it was all very easy. Even making the lattice was a piece of pie(lol.....i just had too...). And it turned out so good, i'm sure gonna be making this again! The lemon juice gave it just the tang needed to avoid it from being to sweet. It was very nice to have a cup of coffee, piece of pie and watch this fall's very first snow flurries. It's crazy though, it's mid november, and we're getting the first snow now. It's just sooo late.

The pie was a recipe from Kris , and you'll find the recipe in english here The rest of this post will be in norwegian only.
Ja, i dag har altså vært den store pai-bake-dagen! En eplepai for å være mere nøyaktig. Jeg har aldri lagd en pai hvor deigen skulle kjevles før, så jeg var litt spent. Men det var ikke noe å være redd for i det hele tatt, det var veldig lett, og det å lage gitteret oppå var heller ingen heksekunst. God ble den også, så denne blir nok lagd flere ganger. Sitronsaften gjorde den litt syrlig, sånn at det ikke ble overveldende søtt heller. Var koselig å lage kaffe, ta et stykke pai og se på årets første snøvær!

Paien var Kris sin oppskrift. Jeg har oversatt det til norsk, mens du finner den på engelsk her.

Kris eplepai

6-8 medium store epler
1,25 dl sukker (Eventuelt litt mer eller mindre, det kommer an på eplene)
2 ss hvetemel
3 ss sitronsaft
1 ts muskat
1 ts kanel

Skrell og del eplene i små terninger Bland i sukker, hvetemel og krydder. Bland godt, dekk med plast og sett i kjøleskapet i minst en time. Dette er vikig, da dette gjør at smaken fra krydder og sitronen får trekke inn i eplene. Eplene vil også gi fra seg en del veske som gjør at paibunnen ikke vil bli for myk.

250 gram kaldt smør
7 dl hvetemel
3ss sukker
3/4 dl iskaldt vann

Bland sukker og mel, og bland inn smøret. (Jeg brukte en foodprosessor, men du kan bruke hendene også og smuldre smøret og melet sammen). Spe vannet inn sakte, og når deigen begynner å klumpe seg, tar du den ut av bollen og knar den sammen. Det er ikke sikert du trenger å bruke alt vannet. Del deigen i to og pakk de inn i plast og legg i kjøleskapet. La deigen være kaldt i minimum 30 minutter, men helst en time.

Ta ut den ene deigbiten, og kjevle den ut på melet bord. Kle en paiform med deigen og ha i fyllet. Pass på å klem ut mest mulig fuktighet fra fyllet. Ta ut den andre deigbiten og kjevle denne også ut, Nå kan du enten ha den oppå paien, og bare skjære hull i toppen og prikke med gaffel, ellers så kan du lage et flettemønster slik som jeg har gjort. Her kan du se hvordan man lager et flettemønster.

Steik paien midt i ovnen på 200 grader i 15 minutter, og deretter på 170 grader i 35-40 minutter. Det kan være at du må dekke over paien med bakepapir hvis den blir for brun.
Denne paien er veldig god å spise lunken med litt is eller krem til.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Julestemning/Christmas spirit

Ok, jeg vet, jeg vet, det har vært mye jul i det siste, men nå når butikkene er fulle av juleting, så gjør det to ting med meg: Jeg GLEDER meg til jul! (Har alltid gjort det....) MEN samtidig, så syns jeg det er alt for tidlig!
Er egentlig ikke logisk å få sånn julestemning enda i det hele tatt! Er jo ikke noe som ligner på vinter/jul enda, med grønne plener og høljende regn, men når julegenet våkner, så våkner det...hihi
Jeg gikk innom en sånn farlig butikk i dag, en sånn en som når man går inn, er det umulig å ikke kjøpe noe....Jeg fant de to skjønneste fuglene der! Det er egentlig juletrepynt tror jeg, men inntill julen kommer, bor de i min falske orkide-gren!
Ok, i know, i know, it's been alot of christmas talk here lately, but when the stores are just filled with christmas stuff, that does at least two things with me: I'm EXCITED for christmas! (I've always been this way...) BUT at the same time i think it's waaay too soon!
It's not even logical to get into the christmas spirit yet at all! Is nothing that even ressembles christmas/winter yet, with green lawns and pooring rain, but when the christmas gene awakens, it's awake, let me tell ya! lol
I went to one of these dangerous stores today, one of these stores where it's impossible to not buy anything.....i found the cutest little birdies there! They are actually christmas tree decorations, but untill christmas is really here, they live in my fake orchid branch!

Er de ikke søte??----Purdy aren't they?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pepperkaker /Gingerbread cookies

Nei, jeg vet det er litt tidlig for pepperkaker, men noen av mine amerikanske venner har spurt etter en oppskrift på de beste pepperkakene i verden, så resten av dette innlegget kommer til å være på engelsk.......(Bare fordi jeg er lat...hihi)
Ok, i know it's a bit early, but some of my american friends wanted the recipe for the best gingerbread cookies in the world, so i translated the one i use. The measurements may sound a bit weird to y'all, but i didn't know how else to write them.....lol

Here we go:

Gingerbread cookies (Pepperkaker in norwegian)

1/3 cups + one Tablespoon AND one Teaspoon of molasses
1/2 cups + one Tablespoon of sugar
1/2 cups +one Tablespoon of butter ( Calls for 150 grams, and that equals 5.3 ounces)
1/3 cups + one Tablespoon AND one Teaspoon of Whipping cream
1/2 Teaspoon of ground cloves
1/2 Teaspoon of ground ginger
1/2 Teaspoon of ground black pepper
2 Teaspoons of cinnamon
1 Teaspoon of baking powder
1.5 cups + 2 Tablespoons of flour

Cook molasses, sugar and butter together over low heat until the butter melts. Stir until all is mixed well, and allow to cool. Stir in the cream. Mix the spices, baking powder and most of the flour into the mixture. Stir the dough together and sprinkle the rest of the flour over. Put the dough back in the bowl, and cover with plastic. Let it sit in the fridge at least overnight, but it can keep up till 3 days before baking.
Knead the dough on a table dusted with flour, until it becomes a bit elastic. Take a pice of the dough, put the rest back in the fridge, roll it out to about 0.1 to 0.2 inches thick and cut with cookie cutters. (I usually roll the dough out on a baking sheet, so that i don't have to move the cut out cookies, because they can be tricky to lift up.....)

Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes, or until they are golden. Let them cool on a rack. They will be soft when you take them out of the oven, but they will be harder when cooled. Frost and decorate them if you like. Store the cookies in an air tight container

I like to make big hearts, and make a hole in them before baking, decorate them and hang them in the window or on the christmas tree! This recipe is also good for making a gingerbread house. I'm making one together with Mia this year.
I found this picture of a gingerbread ornament online, cuz i don't have any pics of the ones i've made....typical......

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Kakebaking /Making a cake

I morgen har jeg bursdag, og da skal jo folket ha kake.....marsipankake. Jeg bakte sukkerbrødet på torsdagskvelden, og så klarte jeg jo selvfølgelig å miste hele kaka på benken, så den gikk i 114 biter! Siden jeg ikke er Ingrid Espelid Hovig, var løsningen da å kjøpe en kakebunn...ja jeg inrømmer det gjerne, bunnen er kjøpt, vaniljekremen og ferdig kjevlet marsipanlokk likeså....hihi. Men ikke si det til de som skal spise kake hos meg i morra da!
Under følger noen bilder av prosessen, dette er mest for mine amerikanske venner, så der blir det bare engelsk tekst. De syns bløtkake er veeeldig eksotisk!
Tommorw is my birthday, and that of course means, cake to the people....marzipancake nonetheless. I baked the cake itself on thursday evening, and the of course i managed to drop the entire cake on the countertop, so it broke into 114 pieces. Since i'm not PW, the solution was to go and yes, i admit it, buy a cake. I also bought the vanilla cream and a pre-rolled marzipan cover......lol. But don't tell it to my guests tomorrow!
Here's some pictures, just for you on how the cake was born.....lol
The cake has 3 layers, and here's the first layer. The cake is a sponge cake, and since it can be dry, i moistened the layer with a littlebit of milk, and also used the juice from the raspberry jam, both for moisture and also flavor.

Here, the cake is covered with vanilla cream mixed with whipped cream. Next layer:
I moistened this layer too with a littlebit of milk, then spread a generous amount of raspberry jam mixed with whipped cream on top.
This is the top layer, and after moistening this too with milk, a healthy dollop of whipped cream is slabbed on it......lol
Here's the cake after the cream is spread out. It doesn't have to be that pretty at this point, because it's going to be covered with the marzipan. The marzipan can be a bit tricky to put on, since it's round, but the trick is to cut some slits in it, so that you can fold it into place.
With the reflection of the light in the marzipan this doesn't look any good at all, but i swear, it is....lol. Gently rub the marzipan onto the cake, cut away the excess at the bottom, throw some marzipan roses on top, and this is what you'll end up with:
And since we've established already that i'm not PW, the roses are bought too. I can bake, but not decorate. Remember to pop it in the fridge as soon as you're done, because you don't want the cream to go bad. Let me know if you want the recipe!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fredag! / Friday!

Så er det fredag igjen. Oi tiden flyr, snart er det jul.......jul ja, her er noen gaveesker jeg har lagd. Jeg har brukt Cricuten min til å skjære disse ut, og pyntet dem. Disse er laget for salg.
So it's friday again. Wow time flies, soon it's christmas.....speaking of christmas, here are some giftboxes i've made on my Cricut and decorated. I am making these to sell.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Julegaver! / Christmas gifts!

Jepp godtfolk, snart er det jul igjen.....jeg og min kjære søster tenkte vi skulle lage noen sitteunderlag av ull, og gi bort i gaver til noen spesielt heldige utvalgte!
Vi brettet opp armene, satte oss til på badegulvet og begynte å rulle! Hvis du har prøvd å filte sitteunderlag, vet du at det faktisk er ganske tungt og tar en stund. Eneste som er veldig positivt er at lanolinet i ullen og grønnsåpa gjør hendene dine utrolig myke en laangt stund fremover!
(Bildene jeg legger ut er av et annet sitteunderlag, vi kan jo ikke vise frem gavene før julaften, kan man vel??)
Yep folks,soon it's christmastime again......my dear sis and i thought that we would make some thick felt pieces to sit on when you're outdoors,(They will keep you from getting a wet and could deriere!) and having a coffee break on your hike or something else sporty (wink), and give to a selected few lucky ones. We rolled up our sleeves and sat down on the bathroom floor and started rolling! If you've ever tried felting, you'd know it's pretty hard labor and takes quite a while too. One good thing is that the lanolin from the wool and the soap, makes your hands really soft for the longest time afterwards!
(These pics are some that i did earlier, and kept for myself....lol...can't post pics of presents until christmas now, can we?)

1. Først så legger man ut ullen, vi brukte 3 lag, men man kan godt bruke 4 også, på en bambusgardin med en hånduk under, bare for å holde ting på plass. Fukt alt med varmt grønnsåpevann, og gni det forsiktig til alle lagene har festet seg litt til hverandre.
1. First you layer the wool, we used 3 layers, but you can also use 4, on a bamboo curtain with a towel underneath, just to hold it a bit in place. Moist the wool with warm soap water, and rub it all carefully untill the layers starts to stick together.

2. Rull så alt sammen som en rullekake og begynn å rulle. Frem og tilbake,frem og tilbak
e, frem og tilbake, frem og tilbake..............en laaaaang lang stund. Pass på å snu filten/ullen etterhvert sånn at du arbeider alle sidene like mye. (Dette er viktig hvis du lager noe med fasong på, slik som hjertet nederst. )
2. Then, roll it all up like, well a roll, and start rolling. Bck and forth,back an forth,back and forth, back and forth............for a really looooong time. Be carefull to turn the felt piece as you go along, so that you'll make sure to work all the sides of it. (This is especially important if you're making something with a shape, like the heart one in the last picture.)
3. Siste to bildene er av to ferdige underlag. Hjertet var en prøve for å se om jeg fikk til å lage hjertefasong.
3. These last two picures are 2 finished pieces. The heart was a test to see if i could make one shaped like a heart.