2 egg
200 g sukker
250 g smør
500g hvetemel
2 ts kanel
2 ts malt nellik
2 ts kardemomme
1 ts malt ingefær
1 ts natron
2,5 dl kulturmelk
3 ss appelsinmarmelade
100 g hakkede mandler
250 g rosiner
Pisk egg og sukker til eggedosis. Smelt smør og avkjøl. Bland smør,kulturmelk og appelsin marmelade, ha oppi røra og bland. Bland mel,krydder og natron og ha det i røra i omganger, rør godt mellom hver gang. Dette blir veldig mye deig og det blir tungt, så ikke alle håndmiksere klarer hele deigen, da bruker jeg bare slikkepotten. Bland så i rosinene og mandlene. Ha i smurt form. Vanligvis bruker jeg å dele den på to brødformer, men glemte det denne gang, så du ser av bildene hvor stor kaka ble.
Stekes i ca 1 time i forvarmet ovn, nederste rille på 180 - 200 grader. Legg papir over kaka etter ca ett kvarter, ellers blir den for godt stekt. Kjenn etter med fyrstikk/kakenål om kaka er ferdig. (Den jeg legger ut bilde av måtte stå i 1 time og 20 minutter...)
Avkjøl på rist og pakk inn i aluminiumsfolie og plastpose og sett i kjøleskap eller frys.
Last night it started to smell like christmas in my house. I made the worlds best spice cake! This cake just screams christmas to me, and it's a bit of work to make it, but it is so worth it! It will last in the fridge for weeks without being dry or crumbly. So just to tempt you, here are pics of the monster i made yesterday, and i'll even throw in the recipe for you, just because i'm feeling nice today......;)
Spice cake
2 eggs
7 ounces of sugar
8.8 ounces of butter
1 pound of plain flour
2 Teaspoons of cinnamon
2 Teaspoons of ground clover
2 Teaspoons of cardamom
1 Teaspoon of ground ginger
1 Teaspoon of baking soda
1 cup of buttermilk
3 Tablespoons of orange marmalade
3.5 ounces of chopped almonds
8.8 ounces of raisins
Mix eggs and sugar til it's all white and thick. Melt butter and let it cool a little. Add the buttermilk and orange marmalade to the buttermilk, and add everything into the egg and sugar mixture. Mix it all together. Add the baking soda and spices into the flour and add a little at a time into the batter, mix well everytime. This will make alot of batter, and it's heavy, so if you have a handheld mixer it might not be capable of mixing the whole thing. I just use a spatula at teh end. When all the flour and spice mix is added, add the almonds and raisins, combine well. Pour into buttered bread tins. I usually divided it into 2 bread tins, but i forgot to do this yesterday, and you can see from the pics how large the cake turned out.
Pre heat the oven to 350- 400 fahrenheit, and put the cake in the bottom of the oven, for about an hour, chech with a cake needle if the cake is ready. The one in the picture took 1 hour and 20 minutes to cook. Put parchment paper over the cake after about 15 minutes, to prevent it from getting too brown on top. When it's done let it cool on a rack, the wrap it in aluminum foil and plastic bag and put it in the fridge or freezer.
1 comment:
Wow Jane, yum! That makes a ton, it's a beautiful cake!
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