Friday, July 24, 2009


Nå er jeg hjemme fra en flott Oslo tur!
Vi hadde et hektisk program med shopping, museum (!), treffe venner, shopping, treffe mere venner, og til sist mere shopping!
Jeg var så heldig å klare å få til å treffe Justine, som er på ferie fra Colorado med familien sin. De skulle til Vestlandet, men var et par netter i Oslo. Vi har chattet med hverandre på SCS i flere år, og det var veldig gøy å treffe en av Søstrene!
Alt på denne Loen er fra Club Scrap.
I am home again from a fantastic trip to Oslo!
We had an hectic schedule with shopping, museum (!), meeting friends, shopping, meeting more friends, and finally some more shopping!
I was so lucky to be able to meet up with Justine, who is in Norway on vacation with her family. They were spending a couple of nights in Oslo on their way to the west coast of Norway. We have been chatting with each other for several years on SCS, so i must say it was so much fun to finally get to meet up, and to meet one of the Sisters!
Almost all of the Sisterhood is getting together for a fun filled weekend in Texas, but meeting and talking with Justine earlier this week, makes the jealousy a bit easier to
Everything on this layout is from Club Scrap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I missed this post while I was in TX - gorgeous girls for sure!!!!! Love it Jane and I'm so happy that you were able to spend time with Justine!!!!