Friday, January 23, 2009

Fredag /Friday

I dag har jeg bare slappet av og sett på tv....vært og gått en tur, og gjort helgevasken, men borstett fra det, bare slappet av. Fant ut at jeg måtte forskjønne meg litt, så da fant jeg en maske, og sånn ble bildet til. Er ikke hverdagskost at jeg klæsjer på meg ansiktsmasker altså!
Today has been a chilling out day, and done nothing but watch tv...or, i did go for a "walk", and done the friday cleaning of the house, but except from that, just been chilling out. I found out that i had to beautify myself, and then i found this facial mask, and that's how todays picture was born. It's not everyday that i undergo the beatifying!
The text says: To beautify one self!


Tammi said...

I bet that feels soothing! Loving your pics. Tammi x

Kerri said...

I hope you enjoyed your "YOU" time! I know I would, 5 minutes would be nice...
CU tomorrow

bentonflocke said...

wow, what a great shot!! Time for you is so important