Monday, January 19, 2009

Søppel kapittel 2 / Trash chapter 2

Ja, den som trodde at søppelbilen skulle komme i dag for å ta bort det som begynte å flyte over i helga, må tro om igjen. Det ser ut som om vi har en uoffisiell streik.....Det ble bare verre og verre, så da måtte dette bli dagens bilde igjen i dag og, bare fra en annen vinkel, nemlig soveromsvinduet mitt.
Well, if anyone thought that the garbage truck would come and empty out the dumpsters that started overflowing this weekend, guess again. It looks like there is an unofficial strike amongst the garbage workers. The mountain of trash is just getting worse and worse, so therefore i had to make it my picture of today, just from a different angle this time, from my bedroom window.
Text says: Part 2 of the garbage truck that never came


Mommy Spice said...

That would be awful! I hope they resolve their issues soon! Definitely something to capture for Project 365 though! Great job!

Tammi said...

Yikes! Hope they can pick it up soon! It almost looks like candy wrappers, lol! Oh and I've never had those kind of oranges (pic on other page).