Ok, det er ikke ofte at jeg legger ut to innlegg på en dag, men noen ganger bare må man.....
Jeg har laget et kort og en gavepose til en venninne av meg som nettop har fått en liten gutt. Jeg kjøpte en body, og jeg ble så inspirert av de flotte fargene på den, at jeg måtte lage et kort og en gavepose i de samme fargene. Det eneste som er litt dum var at jeg bare hadde brune papirposer, men det ble nu det det ble.
Ok, it's not often that i post twice in one day, but sometimes you just have too....
I've made a card and a giftbag for a friend of mine that just had a little baby boy. I bought the cutest little onesie, and i was so inspired by it, that i just had to make a card and a giftbag to match. The only thing i didn't like about the giftbag, was that i only had brown paperbags, and no white ones, but it is what it is.....
Jeg syns knappene gjorde kortet skikkelig søtt! / I think that the buttons made the card so cute!
Gaveposen /The gift bag
Så et av kortet og gaveposen sammen / A pic of both the card and giftbag together
Jane - this is fantastic! I love what you did and of course, a little partial to the card with hearts on it.
OH Jane!!! I LUFF it that onesie is the Cutest and you went all out with the matching card and bag...love them both!!!
So sweet1 Love the matching; you always leave things so complete :D
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