Så det er bare en ting å si, løøøøp å kjøøøøp!
Dere må bare benytte dere av Patti's fantastiske åpningstilbud, som dere kan lese mere om her: PaperManiac bloggen.
Husk at dere får 15% rabatt på hele kjøpet mellom 1 og 6 september, kupong kode: GRAND15
Her er nok et sett jeg har laget med Unity 100%Happy settet, og denne gangen har jeg laget en eske for å ha små kort, størrelse 3x3 inches og tilhørende konvolutter.
Finally, the days hasarrived when PaperManiac is opening their doors!
So run, and take a look at what the store has to offer, and that's alot and read more about how you can win fantastic prizes and great offers at the PaperManiac blog!
Remember that between September 1 and 6, you'll get 15% off the entire purchase, coupon code GRAND15
Here is another set i've made, using the Unity 100%Happy stamps, and it's abox that holds 3x3 cards, and matching envelopes.
The envelope
Credits:Stamps: Unity,Inks: Ranger,Versamark, Paper: Bazzil and cream colored cardstock, Accesories: Bling and ribbon, double sided tape (All papers,stamps and ribbon can be found in the store
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We miss you Jane!!
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