Nå er jeg i Spania, og det er vel unødvendig å si at livet er godt.....hihi
Soler, bader og tar ellers livet med ro.
Her er to nye layouter.
Jeg har brukt May kitet Henna fra CSJR og CST
I'm now in Spain, and needless to say that life is god....lol
Tanning, swimming and chillin' and that's mostly all that i do.
Here's two new layouts.
I've used the may kit Henna from CSJR and CST
Denne layouten er av min kjære tante Lisbeth, og jeg syns digistemplene passet så godt til layouten.
This layout is of my dear aunt Lisbeth, and i thought that the digistamps were just right for this page.
Denne layouten lagde jeg for 2 års jubileumet for mitt nye liv.
This is a layout i made marking the 2 year anniversary for my new life.
They are both Awesome Jane!!! Love them...you are rocking these simple, elegant layouts!
Jane - these are both great! Have fun in Spain!!!
LOSTie Debbie
Your pages are great, Jane! I really like the page you created for your two year anniversary of your 'new' life. Enjoy your time in Spain.
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